my face

zach dimarco

dev | design

"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
find me on linkedin or send me an email

what I do

c# (.net)

simple web app for searching foods and drinks to see which sweeteners are added

built with react & node, using the usda's rest apis

hosted with netlify

discord bot that recommends games to play for either one person or a group of people

built with node, using discord.js and the steam & igdb rest apis

hosted with heroku


self-help & life planning tool that schedules events and tracks a daily routine

built with react native and firebase

aloha to quickbooks converter

tool that converts reports from aloha into quickbooks journal entries

built with c# .net, using winforms

this website

a portfolio outlining how great of a developer I am and displaying all of my projects

built with react using gatsby

hosted with netlify

dimarco & associates website and blog

website and blog for a tampa bay-based accounting firm

designed with figma. built with html & css. the blog using wordpress

hosted on aws and bluehost

action video game inspired by gauntlet and diablo, created as a final project on a team of 7 students

prototyped using c# in unity, built from scratch using c++


top-down space-themed shooter video game created on a team of 3 students

built using c++